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We are endorsing multiple workshops in computer and robot vision at ICRA2023:

06/02/23 ICRA2023 CoPerception: Collaborative Perception and Learning
06/02/23 ICRA2023 Geometric Representations: The Roles of Modern Screw Theory, Lie algebra, and Geometric Algebra in Robotics
06/02/23 ICRA2023 Human-Robot Teaming: From Data To Systems
06/02/23 ICRA2023 TIG-IV: Agri-Food Robotics–From Farm To Fork
06/02/23 ICRA2023 Computer Vision for Wearable Robotics
05/29/23 ICRA2023 3rd Workshop on Representing and Manipulating Deformable Objects

Please contact us if you want to request an endorsement letter from this TC for a workshop proposal. Financial support is also available for selected workshops.

We look forward to supporting many interesting workshops!

