
Special Issues

Past Activities

Past Workshops
10/05/23 IROS2023 Robotic Perception and Mapping: Emerging Techniques
10/05/23 IROS2023 Learning Robot Super Autonomy
10/01/23 IROS2023 2nd Advanced Marine Robotics TC Workshop: Towards Long-term Marine Robotics
10/01/23 IROS2023 Differentiable Probabilistic Robotics: Emerging Perspectives on Robot Learning
07/10/23 RSS2023 Robot Representations For Scene Understanding, Reasoning and Planning
07/10/23 RSS2023 Towards Safe Autonomy: New Challenges and Trends in Robot Perception
06/02/23 ICRA2023 3D Vision and Robotics
06/02/23 ICRA2023 CoPerception: Collaborative Perception and Learning
06/02/23 ICRA2023 Force and Shape Perception for Surgical Instruments and Robots
06/02/23 ICRA2023 Geometric Representations: The Roles of Modern Screw Theory, Lie algebra, and Geometric Algebra in Robotics
06/02/23 ICRA2023 Human-Robot Teaming: From Data To Systems
06/02/23 ICRA2023 TIG-IV: Agri-Food Robotics–From Farm To Fork
06/02/23 ICRA2023 Computer Vision for Wearable Robotics
05/29/23 ICRA2023 Embodied Neuromorphic AI for Robotic Perception
05/29/23 ICRA2023 3rd Workshop on Representing and Manipulating Deformable Objects
07/12/14 RSS2014 Resource-efficient Integration of Planning and Perception for true autonomous operation of Micro Air Vehicles (MAVs)
03/13/14 ERF2014 Closing the Gap between Action and Perception to enable robots to learn, adapt and react in real world scenarios
01/16/13 IEEE Workshop IEEE Workshop on Robot Vision (WoRV)
06/24/13 RSS2013 Resource-Efficient Integration of Perception, Control and Navigation for Micro Air Vehicles (MAVs)
07/09/12 RSS2012 Resource-Efficient Integration of Perception and Control for Highly Dynamic Mobile Systems
12/03/12 RAS Summer School RAS Summer School on Robot Vision and Applications
10/07/12 IROS2012 Active Semantic Perception (ASP’12), Context and Semantic Prior in Active Perception
10/11/12 IROS2012 2nd Workshop on Visual Control of Mobile Robots (ViCoMoR 2012)
05/14/12 ICRA2012 Semantic Perception, Mapping and Exploration (SPME)
05/13/11 ICRA2011 Mobile Manipulation: Integrating Perception and Manipulation
09/10/10 ECCV2010 Vision for Cognitive Tasks
05/03/10 ICRA2010 Representations for object grasping and manipulation
10/12/08 ECCV2008 Vision in Action: Efficient strategies for cognitive agents in complex environments
Past Special Issues
04/28/23 ROMAN2023 Visual and Haptic Cues for Physical Human-Robot Interaction and Co-Manipulation